James Wendel’s Ramblings

I’m a husband, dad, and software engineer. I’ve been a generalist at a few different companies over the years, currently working at Google. (Statements and opinions on this site are solely my own, and not those of my employer).

My Firewall Made My Application 10x Slower

Intro Firewalls are great, until they get in your way. I run a simple website that occasionally gets really large traffic spikes, so I like to load test it to know its limits. I’ve been migrating it from GCP to Linode, and during the migration testing I ran into some performance bottlenecks. This has led me on a really long journey of writing my own nftable firewall rules. If you want to skip the firewall background, jump to the debugging section....

October 18, 2022 · 13 min

And Back to a Static Site Generator

I wrote about Picking Ghost a year ago, but I’m now going back to a static site generator. For personal writing, I previously published a few posts on another domain back in 2013. I used Hugo back then, but much of it was poorly done (and I wasn’t able to regenerate that site since ~2015, so it just languished). Last year I tried Wordpress and Ghost, but went with Ghost. And now in 2022, I’m back to Hugo....

September 17, 2022 · 2 min

Classical Enterprise Network Security vs Zero Trust

Opinions are my own and not those of my employer. While it’s been 6 years since I left Cisco to join Google, it’s interesting to realize that even back then, the 2 companies approached network security in very different ways. Snort and Enterprise Network Security I previously worked at SourceFire (which was acquired by Cisco) on their network security equipment. Their core software, Snort, is effectively a deep packet inspection tool with pattern matching (it’s a lot more, but that is the high-level)....

July 3, 2021 · 4 min

A Period and Two Spaces

Ghost subtly told me I am holding it wrong. As I’ve been writing posts with Ghost, I have seen that it will do odd things with paragraph layout if I put two spaces after a period. This aligns with Microsoft Word and most of the publishing industry, which says you should only have one space after a period. Per Wikipedia: The desired or correct sentence spacing is often debated but some sources now claim an additional space is not necessary....

June 5, 2021 · 2 min

Picking Ghost

One of the eternal questions for someone starting a blog is what platform to use. Let’s go through that thought process. Self Hosted or Not Hosting on a third-party platform would get me up and writing faster, but as someone who has previously run my own Wordpress instance, I like self hosting. My 3 main reasons: I enjoy the tinkering. Playing with Linux systems to get them working efficiently helps me to learn....

June 2, 2021 · 6 min

Final Fantasy XIV - Server Locations

This post was partially inspired by a FFXIV post from Reddit: How to check your NA server ping. My post below gives players real FFXIV servers to ping test against. With Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn releasing in two months, and with the beta servers now online with regional servers, I figured it was time to take a peek at where the servers were located. There was some guessing in the community that the North American servers would be located in Canada, and they are correct!...

June 16, 2013 · 6 min

Simcity - Launching the Launcher

Preamble When I first started looking at the Simcity 2013 traffic, I had hoped I could peak at all of the server communication they do. Sadly (for me), the team at Maxis was fairly smart when it came to securing their encrypted traffic and they were able to thwart my initial attempts to man-in-the-middle (MITM) the connection between the Simcity client and their servers. I plan on attempt that some more in the future, but for now I’m going to look at the traffic from a higher level....

April 1, 2013 · 4 min

SimCity Network Traffic & World List

Like many other who have tried playing Simcity since it’s launch, I’ve had time wasted fighting with their servers trying to get online. This motivated me to start looking at the game’s network traffic to see what I could find. When you initially start up the game, the launcher connects to a number of different servers; this includes the advertisement area (the newsletter in the above screenshot) and recent news. If you click the “SELECT SERVER” button, it does a GET on this URL:...

March 10, 2013 · 2 min